Sunday, June 10, 2012

God is looking for men and women who are courageous. You can't be afraid to do what God is asking you to do. You can't be afraid of their faces. Some people fear speaking what God wants them to speak because they fear man more than they fear God. Take for example: what if God ask you to go before a town as large as Niniveah and tell them that God is going to destroy it because of their sin? Would you do it? Even if ppl say that you are being judgmental and too legalistic? Or that you are exposing others sins and it is not your place to judge??? These comments will come; but if you are brave and you please God you will speak what he commands like Jonah did. Today isn't a day that you can whitewash anything. God is not playing and time is short!!! Satan desires you to shrink back in fear because he operates in fear. He controls ppl and keep them from reaching their full potential in Christ. Today God is calling this nation through one voice and that is the voice of the Holy Spirit back to him. If the people Pershing in sin on your watch because you want to please them then you are no better than King Saul whose aim was to please the people.....Be like King David he aim to please God not man!! GBU