Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Come Lord Jesus; come

God is speaking to the nations around the world; by allow mankind to spin out of control soon we will all see that chaos is not too far.  God has a plan that is good and expected, but man seems to insist on doing it his way.  By satan to use man's imaginations to do many horrific and unthinkable acts of violence; but still I see the hand of God reaching to us with the nail scared hands of His Son; Jesus.  If we as a Nation feel as though we are spinning out of control; then all we have to do is to accept the strong grip of The Savior.  Then and only then can we see any real and true changes in this world and in our Nation.  I pray that people will wake up, before it is too late.  What more has to happen for us to know time is winding up? 

As we see all the tragedies happen more and more everyday; Heaven is a beautiful picture to mediate on; and to know soon it'll be our home.  Come Lord Jesus; come.  We look for you; just as the deer pantheth for the water so does our souls long after you.