Wednesday, January 30, 2013


 In Joshua 15:63 there were some enemies in the promise land that The Children of Israel could not drive out so in those areas their enemies remained in the land. That reminds me of our lives as as Christians. We may have victory over most areas of our lives; but suffer defeat in others. Even though you haven't gained victory over that area; YET doesn't mean that you won't. The only way you will not ever defeat that area of your life is when you become accepting of it, and in denial that it even exit. The people that the Children of Israel couldn't or didn't drive out continued to be inhabitants of their land. Their enemies might have been stronger than them (like a stronghold; which is something that resist leaving), but remember they never won any battle before by their own strength; but it was because of God fighting for them. It's when we rely on our own strength that we settle and just allow strongholds to remain. So did their enemies remain because God couldn't drive them out? Were these enemies too hard for God??? Whenever there is a failure always look at man as opposed to God. God desires to defeat and drive out all our enemies, or in our case to be free in all areas of our lives (it's called shalom or being) Made (built, constructed or crafted) whole.

So if there are areas of your life that you need deliverance in; remember you didn't free yourself before and you can't defeat this foe in your own strength either. Rely on God and don't settle with what God intended for you to conquer. If Israel had persisted on defeating these enemies; God would have driven out all the inhabitants of their land; but they got relaxed and allowed the enemies to remain in some territories. Jesus said, "SOME THINGS ONLY COME BY PRAYER AND FASTING;" which implies that some things will resist or remain in your life unless you get serious enough to push away the plate and pray until you get freedom in this area.

Many times we say the generation of curses are broken and yet we see the same strongholds operating in our lives and children. Will you allow it??? Or pray until the actual behavior is gone??

~WHAT YOU ALLOW WON'T LEAVE/CHANGE. Jesus is the bondage breaker and he came to BREAK EVERY CHAIN. HALLELUJAH!!!~


Tuesday, January 29, 2013

URGENT MATTER: I don't know if you have experienced this; but there is a spirit that is not of God that is meant to cause you vexation. It is only warring against you because you are opposed to it because of God's Spirit in you. Believe it or not the spirit that is coming at you is coming from your children. Let me explain: Your children are being targeted by Satan on every angel; through the cartoons, in the games, computer (PORN) and through the music. I know you may be a good parent; but unless you put them in a suit of amour they will somehow be exposed to it; whether willfully or unintentionally. The spirit in the games,cartoons and music etc attaches itself to them and comes in your home to vex you. You become frustrated with the child and they seems to do things deliberately just to vex you. THIS IS AN ASSIGNMENT; BY THE ENEMY. IF YOU BECOME FRUSTRATED WITH THEM VEXING YOU (not you the two spirits are warring against one another; good v/s evil) then you will give up on them. THAT IS SATAN'S PLAN. He inadvertently wants you to give up on the youth. YOU CAN DO THAT SO EASILY IF YOU WAR WITH THE CHILD INSTEAD OF THE SPIRIT THAT IS CAUSING VEXATION.

MY POINT: KEEP YOUR KIDS COVERED BY THE BLOOD DAILY AND BE AWARE OF SATAN'S DEVICE. DON'T WRESTLE WITH THE CHILD....(as we so often do) FOR WE WRESTLE NOT AGAINST FLESH AND BLOOD, BUT AGAINST PRINCIPALITIES AND RULERS OF DARKNESS IN HIGH PLACES. Actually it's the youth that Satan wants and they are helpless unless we pray. They have no clue of all that is coming at them in the spiritual realm. YOU DO SO KEEP THEM COVERED; MINE AND YOURS ALIKE......GBU


Saturday, January 26, 2013

SUGAR SWEETENS EVERYTHING: God is a creative God ; so you being created in his image must create greatness. You are in control of your life, well God is but he gives you the authority. So life can be what you make it. If your funds are limited that is not an excuse. Take for example, if can't do the dinning out thing as much; just set the table and cook an extraordinary meal for you and your family. Take out the good china and create a night of excellence. Who deserves to eat off that china better than you? Sometimes we wait until we have company to treat them better than we treat ourselves. My point is to create what you desire. Getting lemons isn't a reason to stop; because somebody creative first made lemonade. Sugar sweetens everything even a tart situation that's bitter like a lemon. God has a plan for you that is good and an expected end on this side of heaven.



Monday, January 21, 2013

I love the Lord because he hath heard my cry.  I cried out to the Lord in distress and he answered me.  The Lord is an ever present help in the time of storm.  The Lord is my buckler and shield.  The Lord is my salvation.  God is my refuge, my fortress.  Hold thy peace and let the Lord fight your battle.  Through the trying of your faith works patience.  Let patience have her perfect work in you.

All of these short biblical phrases are so familiar to us; but do they suggest that life will be a bed of roses?  No.  For example:  I love the Lord because he heard my cry.  Crying suggest pain or a continual aggravation.  Or the Lord is an ever present help in the time of storm; means he will help right now in whatever it is that you are going through. So you WILL go through something.   It might not be a storm; but if it is he won't leave you because he controls the winds.  Remember the disciples said, "for what manner of man is this that even the winds obey."  Another example, let patience have her perfect work in you.  Well, in order to exercise patience you have to have  an irritant that is causing you grief in order to develop patience for.  For many of you that may be a boss, your children or an unanswered prayer.  Patience is need to see the end of a thing.  Especially, if you are trusting God for something, and it may SEEM like he is taking too long.  Many just throw in the towel because their patience is thin, but they that wait with patience will see the outcome that God promised.  But never is waiting/patience easy.  It take patience; which is strength to wait on God.  So that means you will have to go through....the fire, but the process is making you more of a refined gem.

Why would God allow his children to endure problems, aggravations, storms, and grief to teach us?  I don't know.  I do know this; he is God, and he does what he pleases. The result is always for our good.  When he allows us to go through trials from the beginning, he already sees our end.  He knows the results will make us better, stronger and much more wiser.  Praise God!   What a loving Father we have.

So let us look at life, and it's struggles through the eyes of the Father.  Maybe then we will begin to own our TRUE identity.  A King's kid.  We are made of our Father's DNA so we do not crumble under life's pressures like the world does; we just cast our cares onto the one who can truly handle it all. GBU

In the Master's service,
Minister Katherine Price