Tuesday, February 26, 2013


To live or die; either way for a believer would be beneficial; however, the Apostle Paul stated for the Gospel to continue to be preached abroad that it would be better for him to remain in the flesh. He admonishes the believers in Philippians 1:27 ....TO STAND FAST IN ONE SPIRIT, WITH ONE MIND STRIVING TOGETHER FOR THE FAITH OF THE GOSPEL. So here we see we have to stand fast or sure in our walk with God, and our faith; but not just STAND; but how??? In the only one Spirit. We must stand in God through his Spirit; the one Spirit makes us have to become united; because there is no other options/choices or selections; but the one Spirit that God gave us. No one can stand in his own spirit, his own strength or his own agenda, but his Spirit makes us all one; working and standing for God in unity. That way we have one mind. Operating in the Spirit makes us have the mind of God. We must all strive Paul said; which means we must all aim, have a goal or make plans to be one; in unity for the faith of the Gospel. In other words for the faith of the Gospel to be affective; the body of Christ must be in unity/one/ or in one accord. Jesus and the Father is one; so must we be one for the lights of the Gospel to be MAGNIFIED OR MADE LARGER.

Friday, February 1, 2013

We have talked about destiny so much lately; that I wanted to tell you this: David never determined his own destiny; God told him who he would be. When God spoke to Abraham; he told him who he would be too; "THE FATHER OF MANY NATIONS."  So in all actuality you have to be what the creator has created or destined you to be. You can't make your destiny up on your own. No! You have to lean in to hear from your creator to get your purpose from him. Otherwise you are pursuing something that is a waste of time. FATHER SHOW US OUR DESTINY!!! (Sorry, I deleted the previous post; wanted to go in another direction. Gotta flow with God. : )