Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Kill everything in the enemy's camp

Saturday, September 20, 2014


Motives matters to God; may our hearts remain pure especially as we spread the gospel. I see people write post all the time directed to someone as if God is in that. Our motives should be pure and our motives matter to God. Here Jesus is writing a post in the sand about those accusers? After he is done he says: WOMEN WHERE IS YOUR ACCUSERS? GO AND SIN NO MORE. As Christians we are to be against sin, but when we nit pick to find fault with one another all in the name of the Lord; then that's not God. Truth is Satan can find many reasons in our lives to accuse us of. Many!! You may be awesome intercessor, preacher/teacher, or praise leader, but battle with gluttony (or something else); which is a sin. HOW THEN CAN YOU RIDICULE ANOTHER BECAUSE OF YOUR STRENGTH IN ONE AREA, AND THE LACK THEREOF IN ANOTHER? Listen, we all are different, and everyone is dealing with something different. However; we all are covered not because we got it together in one area.....BUT BECAUSE OF THE BLOOD! If God would take his grace, and favor away; then we would see ourselves as we are without Christ; A WRETCH! FALSE HUMILITY IS FALSE. True humility is knowing that anything you have, its only by God's grace, and by understanding that; you are humbled.....acknowledging the source from which your blessings flow. Remember, others may have it worse than you, so you should always be grateful; not smug or prideful. When you are on the outside looking in it is easy for you to judge or to help satan accuse, BUT RATHER PRAYING FOR THAT PERSON INSTEAD OF PUTTING YOUR MOUTH ON THEM; that's what kingdom people do. Christ is not divided. ARE YOU DIVIDING CHRIST'S BODY? Six things does the Lord hate, 7 is an abomination. One is: He hates one who sowes discord among the brethern. Jesus and his Father is one and his prayer was that His body would be one as well. By our love (TRUE LOVE) one for another; men will know that we are Christ's disciples.)


Thursday, September 18, 2014

A right now word from God.....Listen to entire video.  You will be truly blessed by God.


Wednesday, September 17, 2014

WHAT IS YOUR TONE? Is it ALWAYS judgmental or critical? Finding things that are praiseworthy takes more observation, a willingness to see SOME positives, a foolish man can easily tear things down but can they build things up? FIND A REASON TO SPEAK LIFE IN TO PEOPLE.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Two ethnic   groups below; both made entirely by God; he said, and it was good. Our hair is different and it is good. Our cultures are different and it is good; our skin tones are different and that is good. Why then did we teach our daughters the way God made us wasn't and isn't excepted? For years society has sent them that message; and we all bought into it. So we bleached our hair; dyed our skin and straightened our hair all in the attempts to be what society deemed ideal us to be.(Am I against hair color or straightens? No, I'm a hairstylist no definitely not.) but what I am saying the last pictures of the little girls is what Our Father who art in heaven has made us to be; and my God I must say that IT IS GOOD. We have to tell that to our kids and allow them a chance to identify with who they really are from God; instead of allowing them to try to fit a mole that isn't even meant for them to fit. I love God; and I love every one of my sisters and brothers in Christ, and I accept each differently made without any partiality. I love the song that says: I wanna know what love is; want you to show me. LOVE......pass it on!

BTW; I am not trying to get brownie points with anybody; time is too short. Sin is sin; so we have got to get this thing right. So if you have to be mad at someone until you get delivered; I'm okay with you being mad at me; because I am not in this thing to please man. God hates unfair scales; and being prejudice towards people for any reason is an unfair tipping of the scale. All it takes it takes to make this right; like any other sin is confessing it and allowing God to change/deliver you. If you be willing and obedient you SHALL EAT THE GOOD OF THE LAND.

Saturday, August 9, 2014


For somebody this might would be a big stretch; but the teacher here has a purpose in mind. Maybe just maybe their is a stretching that is going on in you; that seems to be pulling you apart, but it's not meant to harm you only to help you to reach your fullest potential in God. As you comply with the teacher (The Holy Spirit) you will begin to see the purpose in the exercises that are meant to bring about significant change in you. So do the work and grow to your fullest potential in Jesus. When you are pruned at first it hurts, but later it's meant to bring forth more fruits. BTW: YOUR TEACHER SEES WHAT YOU CAN'T SEE IN YOU; YOUR VIEW IS LIMITED AND YOUR AIM IS SHORT. HE HAS GREATER


Friday, July 25, 2014

Am I praying against a mountain or against God's will?

Even though Jesus felt the pressures and didn't want to die; he asked Father it if it was possible to take that cup from him, but he knew that God's plan for him was to save mankind through his death, so if he had allowed his flesh or what he was feeling to prevail; then he wouldn't have fulfilled the plan of God for the whole world. Sometimes we can miss God; because we keep insisting on what your flesh wants rather than what God's plan is for you. Yes, you can pray that the flesh gets what it wants, but what we've got to remember is that the flesh is enemies with God. It will always pull you in a direction away from God or his ultimate plan for your life is. When you know God's will like Jesus; then you can't pray that God would take this cup away from you, if in fact his will for you is to drink of that cup. It's one thing to speak to a mountain and command it to move, and totally another to pray against the plan of God. Paul prayed to Father to remove his thorn, but God didn't; the thorn served as a purpose; so in essence Paul realized this wasn't a mountain, but it was God's will that he might remain humble. Had God listened to Paul, and removed the thorn, then it is quite possible that Paul could have lost his soul because of pride like Satan. You see saints of God; God isn't deaf, when he doesn't do what we are requesting it isn't because he can't, but rather it's because he have a reason for not doing it. The reason is for your good or your best interest. When we plead, kick, and scream against God's decisions; then we are proving that we do not trust him, showing our immaturity, and not at all looking at the big picture. A no from God is just as blessed as a yes from him; because we knows his no's are for our safety and thats a blessing to know he cares enough to keep us from danger. So give into God's infinite wisdom and accept His plan for your life.HEAVEN BOUND; OUR FINAL DESTINATION.