Wednesday, July 25, 2012


UUUUUUUUUUUUURGENT MATTER: if you never read any of my posts ever again, please just read this one. I don't know if you have experienced this; but there is a spirit that is not of God that is meant to cause you VEXATION. ( Vexation means the act of annoying, vexing, or irritating. The state of being vexed or irritated.) It is only warring against you because you are opposed to it because of God's Spirit in you. Believe it or not the spirit that is coming at you is coming from your children. Let me explain: Your children are being targeted by Satan on every angle; through the cartoons, in the games, computer (PORN) and through the music (subliminal messages). I know you may be a good parent; but unless you put them in a suit of amour they will somehow be exposed to it; whether willfully or unintentionally. The spirit in the games, cartoons and music etc. attaches itself to them and comes in your home to vex you. You become frustrated with the child and they seems to do things deliberately just to vex you. THIS IS AN ASSIGNMENT; BY THE ENEMY. IF YOU BECOME FRUSTRATED WITH THEM VEXING YOU (not you; the two spirits that are warring against one another; good v/s evil); then you will give up on them. THAT IS SATAN'S PLAN. He inadvertently wants you to give up on the youth. YOU CAN DO THAT SO EASILY; IF YOU WAR WITH THE CHILD INSTEAD OF THE SPIRIT THAT IS CAUSING VEXATION. MY POINT: KEEP YOUR KIDS COVERED BY THE BLOOD DAILY, AND BE AWARE OF SATAN'S DEVICES. DON'T WRESTLE WITH THE CHILD....(as we so often do) For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. EPHESIAN 6:12 Actually it's the youth that Satan wants, and they are helpless UNLESS WE PRAY. They have no clue of all that is coming at them in the spiritual realm. YOU DO; SO KEEP THEM COVERED; MINE AND YOURS ALIKE......GBU ~FEEL FREE TO SHARE~