Wednesday, March 27, 2013


In Judges 15:14-20 Samson had destroyed one thousand Philistines with the jawbone of an ass; but immediately after the battle he became so incredibly thirsty. He prayed to God: Paraphrased: Have you given me the battle against my enemies only to later die of thirst??? God heard his prayer and carved out a supernatural supply of water just for him. Once he drank the water that God had supplied; the bible says: his spirit (or life) came again; and he was REVIVED. He then went on to judge Israel for the next 20 years. (That was his purpose)

LIFE'S LESSON: Sometimes, we forget that God's provision is not just for strength in battle; but also to revive after battle. We so often go from battle to battle----WEAK, THIRSTY, AND DEPLETED SPIRITUALLY. If we are to accomplish the work that God has called for us to do; then we must---rely on God after each to STRENGTHEN & TO REFRESH us; the our spirits may be restored; that we may BE REVIVED: which really means to be brought back to life; and be is present tense which means continually; so to be continually brought back to life. REVIVE US O LORD!!! Amen.